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A Great Spell To Keep For Emergencies!

Good morning, friends and fans!

I’d like to share this amazing ritual working with my fellow occultists and fans of the supernatural and paranormal. It’s called the Eyes of Heaven and it’s a banishing ritual from “The Temple of Hekate” by Tara Sanchez. What’s amazing about it? Well, because I know it really worked when I really needed help!

To explain why this ritual spell remains so important to me, I need to give you a little background. As I described in my book “When Darkness Calls“, in 2011 a friend of my got into some serious trouble and while under the influence of a partial possession, tried to commit suicide. A group of us formed a fellowship to find and rescue her, and ultimately we did… but in order to do that, we first needed to find her, and before she could die from exposure or blood loss. Below, the part where this ritual played its part:

In the meantime, daylight was imminent. Demoralized and not knowing where else to search for Tracey, we headed back to the white house to see if she went back there. All this time, Tracey was still not responding to any phone messages or calls. We knew her phone was always running low on power or airtime, so we didn’t have much hope of reaching her. Unable to contact her, we were sure Simon would succeed – and Tracey would die.

When we got back to the white house, it was already growing light. The house was still just as we left it, still and empty – in fact, even more still and empty than usual. Nothing moved, everything seemed at rest – there wasn’t even a draft in the hall.

In absolute desperation, I decided to perform the Eyes of Heaven ritual in the huge garage. This ritual is intended to cause hostile entities in a place to cease plaguing a person, but also gives the user power over them. This is ceremonial or High Magick – and with Roslyn sitting beside a pot plant, watching – skepticism plain on her face – I set about the ritual. Right at the end of it, in following the ritual, I struck the floor with my hand three times, and then added something I improvised. I demanded from the entities present to know where Tracey was. Immediately after the last word had left my lips, my mobile phone began to ring in my jeans pocket. I took it out – and it was a call from Tracey’s number!

“It’s her!” I said. Roslyn’s jaw dropped and figuratively smacked the tiles.

Bear in mind, that was after we’d already spent about 4 hours driving around town looking high and low for Tracey! We went on to find our friend where she was lying beside her car in the wild near a nature reserve, and in the next couple of days helped her break free from the entity that was torturing her, but that’s another story – and you can read it in my book if you want!

There are a few things you ought to know, as a witch or practitioner of magick – when one undertakes a ritual or spell using high or ceremonial magick, it’s more than just i-dotting or t-crossing to follow everything to the letter. The instructions are not optional. If you fail to show respect, or if you don’t do the actions correctly, the ritual or spell might not work at all or it may had unintended or even negative consequences you could regret later. Further, it shows disrespect to the forces you’ve called on or invoked, and they could wreak vengeance on a slap-dash or disrespectful practitioner! This is true of most ceremonial magick, but most especially that which invokes Egyptian deities. They are not to be trifled with or taken lightly. I’ve known a couple of cocky witches (male and female) who’ve had their lives really ruined after messing up ceremonial magickal workings!

As always, practice the working in your head before actually doing it. If you don’t know or understand something, first research it. The gesture of the holding of thumbs threw me for a loop, but I was able to find out what that was!

Below, the ritual:

The Eyes Of Heaven – Banishing Ritual by Tara Sanchez.

  1. Stand facing east and raise your arms in the gesture of praise.
  2. Say: “Hail to thee Helios the Lord most high, and hail Queen Hekate of the Infernal realms. I summon you forth both night and day, light and darkness, for I am your Priestess and I carry the eyes of heaven in my hands. For I am the bearer of the immortal flame and my heart is encircled with serpents.”
  3. Take one step forward towards the east and hold out you arms while performing the gesture of the holding of the thumbs, stamp your foot once.
  4. Say: “Go forth from this place lest the eyes of heaven seek you out and consume you, Helios from the uprising and the down going and Hekate in heaven and hell, else be bound and banished in fetters indestructible and cast down nine days hence to the realms of Tartarus.”
  5. Release your thumbs and move around to face south, west and north, each time repeating the holding of the thumbs and stamping the ground, each time also repeating 4) above.
  6. Once you have returned to the east, kneel and strike the ground, each times with the flat of your hand.
  7. Say: “Earth gape, maw of Tartarus yawn, by Hekate our infernal Queen, and by the Chariots of Helios that nightly travel through your realm, Eyes of Heaven receive this noisome spirit into perdition and subject them to my will so that they become obedient to my wishes and commands and hence forth shall bother me no more.”

After completing point 7, you can add on additional items – such as I did, to demand information from the spirits in the area, or to demand that they cease interfering with communications. If doing a banishing or house cleansing, this is also the time to assert your will and to order nasties to leave and not return.

Funnily enough, her book itself only came out a couple of months before I needed to use this ritual!

I regard this form of magick to be a sort of last resort. Mainly because it’s time-consuming and also strenuous, especially if you’re in the middle of a situation, as I was. Nevertheless, I’ve kept a printed copy of this ritual in my wallet ever since, just in case I need to use it again one day – that’s how seriously I take it. I’d rather have one and not need it, than need it and not have it!

That said, considering this spell was so useful to me back in 2011, here’s a link to the book about those events: “When Darkness Calls“.

Until next time, keep reading!


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All material copyright © Christina Engela, 2021.

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