Site icon Christina Engela: Author

Threaders Characters & Plot Devices

Threaders Characters & Plot Devices


Coming Soon To:


Threaders Characters & Plot Devices

These are some of the characters and other plot devices used in the Threaders Series – characters and objects are listed separately and in alphabetical order, split between categories. Please note, if you’ve come across this page, this series is still in development and this page will be updated accordingly.

Before we start with the character and settings listings, we should answer the obvious question: What is a threader?

Threaders are drifters who make their way across space doing anything they can to make money (be it salvage or scavenging, even including petty theft and minor crimes) to survive long enough to reach the next port. They’re usually regarded with mistrust and suspicion, and are generally just one payday away from being actual space pirates. Although not an actual identity – people who fall into this category generally don’t call themselves threaders, people in this category tend to be looked down on, mistrusted and treated with suspicion wherever they go.

When Tang, Mycos and subsequent friends join their crew, they don’t actually regard themselves as “threaders”, but this identity is gradually adopted by the group as an act of rebellion, hope and defiance as they embark on a journey to seek their fortunes and see where their journey will lead them together.


Main Characters:

Secondary Characters:

This alphabetical list includes individuals encountered by the main characters in the story, including villains.


Rather than formatting this list alphabetically, settings are laid out in chronological order, in the order that the characters visit them.



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