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A Peek At My Week! #153

Hello, friends and fans!

Welcome to another “Peek At My Week” – June 17, 2024! Here are some things that happened this past week!

News About Writing & Publishing: This Is The Current State Of Things

Still not quite over that flu as yet! Dealing with it as best I can!

  • Publishing: A short story I wrote, “It Happened In Late October”, appeared in “Cidades Inversas” (in Portuguese) by Lu Evans on June 10, 2024!  This is a big thing for me, because it’s the first time one of my shorts has been published in a foreign language anthology – and I’m very grateful to Lu Evans for including my story in it!Also, last week, while I was busy with other projects and generally being quite ill over the past few weeks, I managed to re-release an old novella of mine from 2016, which had been out of print since the end of 2017 – “Space Vacation“! You can read more about it, and why I wanted it re-released here. I also posted a video about the book yesterday, giving a little more behind the scenes detail about my inspirations, thoughts and experiences while writing it.
  • General News: Last week I practically tripped over an app called Udio, which allows users to create high quality music tracks for free! I made use of the opportunity to generate a song that featured in book 3 of the Galaxii Series, “Dead Beckoning” – here it is on my YouTube channel for your enjoyment!
  • The Big News: It’s still coming! I apologize for not having terribly much “news” to share with you lately, but unfortunately that’s just how things are right now, and will probably remain so for a while. At least until the end of June, when “it” – whatever “it” is, has progressed beyond the last round, and I’ll be able to share my big news with you!  I will leave this up for as long as appropriate.
  • What Readers Say: I know I can’t please everybody (so I’m not trying to!). That said, it pleases me when I see that I’ve managed to please at least some people! If there’s nothing new below, just pop along here to have a look at all the reader’s comments I’ve collected so far.

Bibliography – A listing of all my books so far:


You can find them at and my shop page on . You can also follow me on my channel.

In Conclusion

As always, I’ll keep you posted about any new developments, so until then, I wish you all a pleasant week!

Thanks a lot for all your friendship and support, I hope you know it is deeply appreciated – and remember, keep reading!


Catch me on social media!

All material copyright © Christina Engela, 2024.

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