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A Peek At My Week! #159

Hello, friends and fans!

Welcome to another “Peek At My Week” – July 29, 2024! Here are some things that happened this past week!

News About Writing & Publishing: This Is The Current State Of Things

If you’re one of the few people reading this newsletter, I’m happy to see you! You’re part of something unique and very special to me, both as a writer and as a person!

  • The BIG News: It’s still in progress! I apologize for not spilling all the beans about this matter, but I’m not allowed to divulge anything at least until “it” – whatever “it” is, has been ultimately finalized – and the date for that has been shifted to around mid-August, and only then I’ll be able to share my big news with you! As soon as I know, you’ll know!  I will leave this up for as long as appropriate.
  • General News: 1) As you can probably tell, I haven’t done any writing lately – but hopefully I’ll be up to putting out perhaps one more book before the end of this year, when circumstances allow. Stay tuned! 2) In the meantime, I’ve been making a lot of (a) promotional music videos and (b) book trailers and the like over the past few weeks, using the most amazing tools on the web – alas, the marketing aspect of being an indie author never goes away, does it? Here they are, for your viewing pleasure: (a)
    (b) .
  • What Readers Say: I know I can’t please everybody (so I’m not trying to!). That said, it pleases me when I see that I’ve managed to please at least some people! If there’s nothing new below, just pop along here to have a look at all the reader’s comments I’ve collected so far.

Bibliography – A listing of all my books so far:


You can find them at and my shop page on . You can also follow me on my channel.

In Conclusion

As always, I’ll keep you posted about any new developments, so until then, I wish you all a pleasant week!

Thanks a lot for all your friendship and support, I hope you know it is deeply appreciated – and remember, keep reading!


Catch me on social media!

All material copyright © Christina Engela, 2024.

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