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A Peek At My Week! #169

Hello, friends and fans!

Welcome to another “Peek At My Week” – October 7, 2024! Here are some things that happened this past week!

News About Writing & Publishing: This Is The Current State Of Things

If you’re one of the people reading this newsletter, I’m so happy to see you! You’re part of something unique and very special to me, both as a writer and personally!

  • General News: After that dose of bowel infection, I spent another week and weekend trying to get well again. Fortunately I seem to have been more successful at it this week than last week. It’s true, the older you get, the slower your body recovers from things like this that younger people are able to just shake off. Hark at me – I sound like an old codger shuffling around with a zimmer frame! I always used to think it was bullshit – turns out the joke is on me, right? Truth is though, this bout took a lot out of me. Anyway, on Thursday, while feeling a little better for the first time in all the two week-long ordeal, I posted a new introduction video to my YouTube channel. Also, I went on a bit of an adventure on Saturday morning, visiting several local PC shops to find a suitable case for my new project! To sum up, that went successfully, and I made a video of my adventure, posted on Saturday afternoon. I’ll also be making a follow-up video of building my desktop PC’s contents into the new case soon.
  • New Music Videos: I’ve created a page on my website to display all my new music videos from my YouTube channel – click on the linked image below to see them! New music/lyric videos are released every 8 days.
  • Recent Book Trailer & Promo Videos:
  • What Readers Say: I know I can’t please everybody (so I’m not trying to!). That said, it pleases me when I see that I’ve managed to please at least some people (hopefully you’re counted among them )! If there’s nothing new below, just pop along here to have a look at all the reader’s comments I’ve collected so far.

Bibliography – A listing of all my books so far:


You can find them at and my shop page on . You can also follow me on my channel.

Other Stuff

If back in the day – around 2005 or so, I’d opted to only go through publishers and to not self-publish, not only would you not have been able to read the 3 or 4 books I’d written at the time – but also the rest of my 45+ bibliography of material would probably never have been written. You see, being able to self-publish motivated me to keep on writing.
And for those of you quietly knocking self-publishing, it counts just the same for being published – and while it offers less financial rewards (in theory) than publishing through a so-called “traditional publisher”, it offers benefits like full creative control to the author – and that’s a pretty hard thing to compete with.
Incidentally, in the last 19 years of self publishing, I’ve been with 3 “traditional” small presses – one good, one bad, and one totally useless and utterly miserable. Why didn’t those work out? Well in short order, the bad one was utterly terrible, the good one literally died and left me high and dry, and the useless one delivered nothing on their promises. In fact, for the most part, all the two under-performers really did was to hold me back from growing as an indie author and to stifle my creative freedom and independence – and the demise of the good one left me stuck trying to recover my books and publishing rights from Amazon for almost a year afterwards. For me there was a potent lesson in all these experiences.
Indie is way better for authors. Support indie authors by reading their books and by leaving honest reviews when you’re done.
Proudly indie!
In Conclusion

As always, I’ll keep you posted about any new developments, so until then, I wish you all a pleasant week!

Thanks a lot for all your friendship and support, I hope you know it is deeply appreciated – and remember, keep reading!


Catch me on social media!

All material copyright © Christina Engela, 2024.

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